
Female Aging

Posted on: July 3rd, 2020 by Angelish Kumar

Are You Taking Good Care of Yourself?

So much awesomeness comes with getting older. We gain clarity and confidence. We focus on what makes us happy and cut out the rest. We take care of the people who are important to us. And we know that we can’t take good care of everyone else unless we also take good care of ourselves.

But as we enter our forties and fifties, many of us start to develop:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling overly emotional or irritable
  • Poor memory
  • Weight gain
  • Aches in the legs or joints
  • Hair thinning
  • Lack of interest or enjoyment with sexual activity
  • Skin aging with more wrinkles and sun spots

Despite our knowledge that these changes naturally occur with aging, we still want our youthful energy, optimism, and glow. Whether we should actually expect this much out of ourselves is another question! But one thing is for sure – it’s impossible to feel and look great if you’re not sleeping well, and you feel emotionally and physically exhausted.

Menopause specialists can help you get back to your normal self, with options including hormone therapy (HT) and alternative prescription and homeopathic remedies. HT is safest and most beneficial at the onset of menopause and even in the few years prior, during perimenopause. HT can have a profound effect on your quality of life.

Reasons you may not be able to use HT are a history for breast or uterine cancer, blood clotting disorder, stroke, heart disease, or undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. It’s very important to have a thorough medical history taken prior to starting any therapy for menopausal health, and to discuss alternatives to HT.

Right now, more than ever, the world needs wise, confident, compassionate, energetic women. Take good care of yourself.

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