

Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS)

SNS is a minimally invasive treatment for patients who have an overactive bladder, or who cannot empty their bladder completely. It involves gentle electrical stimulation of the bladder nerves.

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Medications for Overactive Bladder

Medication is considered second line therapy for overactive bladder by the American Urologic Association. It can be very useful when more conservative options have not worked well enough.

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Bladder Botox

Botox is very effective in treating the symptoms of overactive bladder and urge incontinence.

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When you have an overactive bladder, it may be due to abnormal signaling from the bladder nerves. A non-invasive and non-medication option to treat this problem is posterior tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS).

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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor muscle therapy (PFMT) is recommended when the muscles in the pelvis that surround the urethra, bladder and rectum become weak or stretched out.

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Urethral Bulking Injection

A urethral bulking injection is an office-based treatment to stop the urinary leakage that occurs with cough, sneeze, laughter and exercise.

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Urethral Sling

A sling is a strip of mesh which restores the support to the urethra and bladder neck. Women who have lost this support can leak urine when they cough, laugh, sneeze, or bear down, because it is difficult for the bladder outlet to stay closed when it suddenly moves.

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Bladder Instillations

Sometimes Dr. Kumar will instill medication directly into the bladder for relief of urinary symptoms, via a urethral catheterization (placing small tube into the urethra).

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Bladder Injections of Steroid

If your bladder has inflammation and erosion of the bladder lining, injecting a steroid under the bladder mucosa can often help heal the tissue and improve your bladder symptoms.

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Topical Therapy for GSM

After menopause, many women suffer from symptoms related to the thinning of the lining of the vaginal canal and the vulvar area (the tissue outside of the vaginal opening).

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Mona Lisa Touch

The Mona Lisa Touch is a laser that resurfaces the lining of the vagina and stimulates the tissue to regain the properties it had before menopause.

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Intermittent Catheterization

This involves placing a small tube in the urethra and draining the urine out until no more urine exits the tube. Then the tube can be removed.

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Cystoscopy is an office procedure where a urologist will pass a small tube through the urethra, in order to visualize the inside of the bladder.

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